Exhibition: Showcase your Products & Services Live @ Living Faith Church “aka” Winners’ Chapel

Join all the great inventors, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs around the world

Winners Chapel

Come present your art work, historical, inspirational, Spiritual books and photographs, charts, and scientific visualizations Inventions, products and services.

This exhibition considers the powerful role to showcase your vision, Ideas and your exploitation to one of the large congregations of youth in the world today. there are benefits for exhibiting at this year convention.
Benefits: There are benefits for exhibiting at this year convention.
1. Exploring the world of next generation youth for awareness and sales promotion for your product/services with our large congregation.
2. Feedback from end users about your product/service.
Venue: Cannanland, Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria. Suburb of Lagos.
Registration: Contact IYAC official.

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