Just in: Plateau State University Bokkos Student Union Government Calls for solidarity Against Fee Increase

A press release written by the SUG Plateau state university bokkos on the increment on school fee
The Student Union Government of Plateau State University Bokkos has issued a strong call for solidarity among students to protest against the recent fee increase imposed bythe university administration. 

In a statement released by the Student Union Government, they expressed their deep concern and disappointment over the sudden and significant increase in tuition fees. The student leaders highlighted that this fee hike was implemented without any prior consultation or discussion with the student body, which they deem as a breach of trust and transparency.

The Student Union Government emphasized that higher education should be accessible and affordable for all students, regardless of their socio-economic background. They argued that the sudden fee increase would place a heavier financial burden on students and their families, potentially excluding many individuals from pursuing a university education.

Furthermore, the student leaders expressed their belief that education is a fundamental right and a tool for national development. They urged the university administration to consider the long-term impact of the fee increase on the overall progress and growth of the institution and its students.

In light of these concerns, the Student Union Government has called for solidarity among the student body. They are organizing peaceful protests and demonstrations to voice their opposition to the fee hike. The students are encouraged to actively participate in these events and join forces to make their voices heard.

The Student Union Government has also reached out to other student unions, civil society organizations, and relevant stakeholders to garner support for their cause. They are seeking alliances and partnerships in their efforts to reverse the fee increase and engage in constructive dialogue with the university administration.

The Student Union Government believes that through unity and peaceful mobilization, they can successfully advocate for their rights and the rights of all students at Plateau State University Bokkos. They are calling on their fellow students to stand together against the fee increase and work towards a fair and affordable education system.

In conclusion, the Student Union Government of Plateau State University Bokkos is urging students to unite and demand a reversal of the recent fee increase. They believe that by standing in solidarity, they can challenge the university administration's decision and advocate for a more equitable and accessible education system.

More content on the memo!

The Student Union Government (SUG) of Plateau State University, Bokkos, hereby issues this press release to inform all students of the recent decision of the university governing council to increase school fees. We have diligently engaged with the university management in numerous discussions, advocating for a considerable reduction in the fee increase to accommodate the financial challenges faced by a significant number of students. 

However, the management has remained resolute, citing the current economic reality and the need for sufficient funds to run the university. And also the fact that only the governing council or the executive governor can alter the review

Despite the removal of the GST fee for 300 and 400 level students, this concession is deemed insignificant considering the magnitude of the overall fee increase.

Recognizing the collective voice and power of our student body, the SUG President, Gomos Mundi Timothy, called for a stakeholders meeting to discuss the way forward. During this meeting, it was unanimously agreed that we must unite as students and advocate this fee increase until it is revisited and lowerd to a more reasonable and accommodating level.

We firmly believe that a moderate adjustment in the fee increase will alleviate the burden on numerous students who are unable to afford the current fees due to prevailing economic circumstances.

In the coming days, the SUG will be rolling out a series of actions to emphasize our unified stance on this matter. 

The SUG Will be meeting the House of assembly as well as the executive Governor of the state to ensure that our voices are heard. We encourage all students to actively participate, join in discussions, and contribute ideas on the way forward. We also request the support and solidarity of all academic and non-academic staff, as we firmly believe that a united front will yield the best outcome for everyone involved.

We urge the university governing council to review and reconsider the fee increase, taking into account the current economic realities and the financial constraints faced by a majority of the students. Let us work together to find a solution that promotes the welfare of the students, maintains the university's financial sustainability, and upholds the ideals of quality education at Plateau State University, Bokkos.

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