NAPSS PLASU, BOKKOS Chapter Impeaches President and Financial Secretary


1st June, 2024
Here is a news briefing based on the press release:

NAPSS PLASU Chapter Impeaches President and Financial Secretary

The National Association of Plateau State Students (NAPSS), PLASU Chapter, has impeached its President, Comr. Lokjul Joel Takshep, and Financial Secretary, Comr. Golu Terry Yilyok, due to serious allegations of misconduct, including abuse of office, embezzlement, and misappropriation of funds.

The impeachment follows a thorough investigation, and the removal of the officials from office marks a significant step in upholding accountability and integrity within the institution.

The Association's Vice President, Comr. Nenkang Daniel, has assumed office in accordance with the Constitution, and a thorough review and strengthening of oversight mechanisms are underway to prevent future instances of misconduct.

The decision has been widely supported by the student body and stakeholders, reaffirming the association's commitment to transparency, justice, and ethical governance.

In detail's 

 Issues Statement on the Impeachment of it's president and financial secretary.

Saturday, June 1st – Today, NAPSS plateau state university,Bokkos addresses the public regarding the impeachment of it's president comr. Lokjul Joel Takshep and financial secretary, comr. Golu Terry Yilyok. 

  This decisive action follows serious allegations and thorough investigations, underscoring our commitment to upholding the principles of accountability and integrity within our institutions.

The president and financial secretary has been impeached for multiple charges, including abuse of office, embezzlement of funds, and misappropriation of funds which they plead guilty. The impeachment process was initiated after a comprehensive investigation revealed substantial evidence of misconduct. These actions represent a severe breach of trust and an egregious violation of the ethical standards expected of public officials.

The impeachment motion was brought forward by comr. Godwin Nenchin Bedir after the secretary of the association presented a report result of investigation and recommendations conducted by the school security desk. It is imperative that we address these issues head-on to restore integrity and trust in our institution." The motion received overwhelming support, including a second by comr.Istifanus Rex Bethel emphasizing the collective resolve of the congress to act decisively against corruption stating that "The university shouldn't be a breeding ground for criminals" he further noted that the Association vice president Comr.Nenkang Daniel assume office immediately, in accordance to the provision of the Constitution, Section 6
Sub-section c

The vote of no confidence was passed with a significant majority, reflecting the seriousness with which these allegations are regarded by the governing body. This outcome is a testament to our unwavering commitment to transparency and justice.

The removal of The president and financial secretary from office marks a critical step in safeguarding our democratic values and ensuring that public officials are held accountable for their actions. This decision serves as a clear message that misconduct at any level will not be tolerated and will be met with appropriate consequences.

Moving forward, we are committed to a thorough review and strengthening of our oversight mechanisms to prevent such instances in the future. The Association will undergo a period of restructuring to reinforce ethical governance and restore public confidence.

We encourage the public to remain engaged and informed through credible sources. It is vital that our students participates in constructive dialogue to support the rebuilding process. We also urge everyone to uphold the highest standards of civility and respect as we navigate this challenging period be rest assured that the law will take full it's full course on offices found guilty.

Find attached the list of students that attended the congress meeting called by 2/3 majority of Napss Executives as provided in the constitution Part D section 14 no ii 

Napss will continue to provide updates as necessary and remains dedicated to ensuring a transparent and fair resolution. Our priority is to uphold justice and integrity, reaffirming our dedication to the principles that guide our association.

Napss National Body

God bless Plateau state university,Bokkos.
God bless Plateau state
God bless Nigeria

Secretary General

Stay informed for further updates on this development.

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